B.Tech Projects

Main Project
SITA RAMUDU. D   (273676165)
V.V.N. LAKSHMI. CH (273676200)

V.R. SRI HARSHA. M (273676198)
POONKODI.P (273676128)

Under the esteemed Guidance of
             Mr. S.KOTESWARA RAO 


       Patient monitoring system gives a efficient and convenient solution to monitor any number of patients in hospital at a time. Using wireless made it more comfort and easy job. We can use relevant sensors to monitor different health conditions of the patient. We can also monitor different health conditions of the patients by using relative sensors.
        Choose the relevant sensors to get the required health condition of the patient. Here we used ELECTRODEs for HEART BEAT and LM35 for TEMPERATURE of the patient.
       The output of these sensors is in Analog form, that signal is amplified and passed to inbuilt ADC of s3c2440 (ADC i/p pins of mini2440). In parallel to these socket server programs (server1-- Heart Beat & server2 -- Temperature) has to be run in mini2440 board, which will monitors the ADC outputs. The digital value of the sensors output will be taken by SERVER programs, and that will be transfer through Wi-fi by using NETGEAR wifi Adapter.

This adapter should be connected to NETGEAR router initially be running server programs.
         Set-up the control unit to which the monitored health status of the patient has to reach, with the NETGEAR router, and connect the control unit computer to this router.
        As a part of Socket communication run the client (which receives the data from both server1 & server2) at the control unit.
   By April 09-2010 we officially completed this project by presenting this in-front of project external.
  During this project I got such a great support from Lucky not only for project but also for my mind, thoughts. I troubled her to get & accept that. Excuse me Lucky 
During this project period we worked with Mr. Hanumesh, Mr.Arvind, & Mr. Shreyamsa who came to RIT for 06ECE's Linux projects. Along with these I met Mr.Rajesh & Mr. Vikash Gupta, both were came for non-Linux projects. I had a great time with all these. One more is Mr. Mutyalababu lab assitant in RIT during this project was helped me while dealing with hardware by providing them whenever I asked. Here ia Mr.Mutyalababu with me.
Execution steps & Commands used for this project [PMS]

Connect all the hardware(sensors) to adc1 and adc2 by using manual of Mini2440
1> lm35
2> ECG amplifie
Insert adc [Device Driver] modules by using following commands:
insmod mini2440_adc1.ko
insmod mini2440_adc2.ko

Establish wi-fi connection between host and target using following commands: 
Generate the .ko for eeprom and rtl8187 by enabling in make menuconfig step as M transfer those to target board by minicom
#]insmod eeprom_93cx6.ko
#]insmod rtl8187.ko
enable wi-fi by using following commands
#]iwconfig wlan0 essid “NETGEAR”
#]ifconfig eth0 down 
 // ifconfig -- To know & change the IP address 
#]ifconfig wlan0 up
#]route add default gw wlan0
#]echo nameserver [>>] /etc/resolv.conf
Run server1 and server2 on target side by using following commands: 
#]./server1 serverip portno [ &] 
#]./server2 serverip portno [&] 
Run client_exe on host: 
#]./client_exe serverip
 Then click on start button 

Cross Compiling steps for ARM9
#] export PATH=/usr/local/arm/4.3.2/bin/:$PATH
#] vi prg.c     //prg.c is program which has to be cross compiled
#] arm-linux-gcc -o prg prg.c

Kernel Building
#] uname -r // gives the kernel detail
Download required linux kernel file like linux- copy this file into filesystem/usr/scr and extract there.
#] cd root/local/usr/scr
#] ls //check for our extracted file there
#] cd linux-2.6.29
#] make menuconfig
save the kernel as the instructions appear
#] make
#] make bzImage
#] make modules
#] make modules_install

Device Driver  [DD]
A device driver is a program that controls a particular type of device that is attached to your computer.
 3 types of DD are
* Character DD
* Block DD
* Network DD

Major number : Related to Kernel & identify the driver
Minor number : Related to Device & identify the device
Device Driver program prgdd.c
#] vi prgdd.c
#] vi Makefile
#] make
#] insmod prgdd.ko
#] lsmod
#] dmsg
#] rmmod prgdd
#] dmsg
obj -m +=prgdd.o
.tab.make-C/lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) modules
.tab.make-C/lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD)clean

Mini Project
        This counter helps us to count the number of obstacles occurred at a particular place by using IR rays. This counter uses an Infrared (IR) sensor that can sense a particular modulated frequency of infrared beam. If any obstacle came between IR transmitter & receiver, then the receiver gives one pulse that drives to counter cum BCD to 7-segment converter IC74c926.
         IR transmitter built with an IR led to 555 timer in Astable multi-vibrator mode at 36 KHz. Receiver circuit made up of Triggering circuit followed by 555 timer in Monostable multivibarator, then followed by display Driver & Display.
              Source: EFY-September 2005 [Page No.76]

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