Sunday, May 15, 2011

My interview @ Vector India, Hyderabad.

When I attended the Interview for Embedded Experienced person in Vector India Institute, Hyderabad, I faced the following Questions..?????
  • EA pin Description in 8051 & PSEN, ALE pins purpose?
  • Program for transmitting "ABCD" through serial communication using 8051?
  • Will 8051 and PIC16 support USB? 
  • Pin description of RTC IC?
  • Serial ADC IC number?
  • How to connect serial RTC to 8051? Do we need and Resistors?
  • Pin description of L293D? and Working?
  • SPDT relay working?
  • Solid state Relay?
  • Ful-Duplex communication using 8051?
  • Need of ADC ?
  • How to interface ADC to Controller?
  • Reset Pin in PIC16 and Its description?
  • LCD interface to controller & Working w.r.t. Pins ?
  • How to get DC +5v, -5V & DC +6v, -6v from 9V DC?
  • Simple Circuit to generate +5v DC from 9v AC?
  • What is Big Endian & Little Endian?
  • How to generate delay of 5ms using Timers in 8051..? and then for 1 Sec..?
  • Any few commands used for GSM based project & then description ?
  • What is need of giving a High to Low pulse to LCD ?
  • for loop syntax....?
  • Use of curly braces for any loop and what will happen if not given them...?
  • How the for loop will behave upon giving multiple conditions...? [Hint: Comma operator]
  • What will happen if we terminate for loop with semi-colon [;] without giving statements...?
  • Factorial Program using C language...?
  • Swapping any array using C programming without using another variable...?
  • Program to check for Big/Little Endian...?
  • Explain call by value & call by reference using a simple program...?
  • What will happen when any function is returning to Main function...?
  • What is an ARRAY...?
  • When a segmentation error will occur...?
  • Where global data will store in memory..?
And few more.........  [just test yourself here for 15 min]

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